Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is the process in which a practitioner uses music to aid in healing. Sound healing therapy improves many facets of a person's life. It has the ability to synchronize brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies. At Lotus Reiki, this is achieved through different frequency playlists, Quartz Singing Bowls, Quartz Pyramids, a Quartz Harp, Native Flutes, Steel Drum, Brass Bowls and Tingsha Bells.
In each session, you have the option to add crystal therapy (included in cost of services)
Crystal therapy's goal is to balance the chakras and transform the energy properties of the body, resulting in a clear energy field. This natural form of healing is often used to promote relaxation and relieve stress.
During a session, PJ may lay stones on the body in different areas or may suggest that you wear certain stones to balance certain chakras, absorb positive energy, or ward off negative energy.